Thursday, October 20, 2011

Business Model Canvas Part 3

In this service marketing class, we are given a project to create a super hotel that will cater to 3 different customer segments (business people, employees and housewives). Our group's part is the business people. So, we focused on infrastructure management which means maximizing the use of all assets to be more efficient (that in turn will cut down cost).

Our idea to improve employee efficiency was to give them more training on how to reduce mistakes, better time management, delegation and others. Aside from contributing to employees' knowledge and skills, this training program will improve their motivation level which will, again, lead to higher efficiency. Moreover, efficiency can be improved by creating waste management program like reusing or recycling waste products to create something else. Such as the use of toast bread crust to produce breadcrumb. Other than that, more revenue can be earned from renting free space to outside establishments and expenses can be cut down by working together with hospitality schools and universities to provide free trainees.

It is really important to be efficient and that's what we have done in our businesses. In our Hungrylicious restaurant, the left over croissants are coated with chocolate, packed and sold all around UC. Vegetable trimmings can be used to make vegetable stock, and the chicken bones can be roasted to make brown sauce. This is proved to reduce the cost of our restaurant. In the future, we will think of any other ways to reduce cost and improve revenue to earn higher profit.

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